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Tax credit (tax credit or deduction ) is confirmed by documents, the amount (value) of the expenses that you incurred in the acquisition of goods (works, services) in the reporting year that you are allowed to reduce your gross annual taxable income in the same year.
If you properly complete your documents, then within 60 days you will transfer the money due you.
The amount of your taxable income can be reduced by the amount of the tax discounts, and this accordingly will reduce the amount of your tax on income of individuals. And since in most cases the tax was already paid earlier in the reporting period (deducted from your wages), then the difference between the estimated reduced tax amount and the actually paid amount, you have the right to regain back. It is enough to submit to the tax authority at the place of your registration a tax return together with a calculation of the amount of tax credits and supporting documents.
Filing your tax return for the purpose of receiving tax credits is voluntary. Ie if you don't, then no one will tell you about this opportunity, and for the following periods tax credit is not transferred.
Carried out payment of the mortgage loan and your property which you have acquired as a result of registration of the mortgage is your primary residence.
If you purchased two properties on a mortgage, the right to a tax rebate will have only housing that is prescribed;
Make donations, or make charitable contributions to organizations of non-profit in nature, registered on the territory of Ukraine and they spend from 2 to 5% of their salaries for the year;
Paid for their studies or training a member of your family the first line of kinship;
Incurred expenditure of funds for the conduct of artificial insemination;had the costs associated with the adoption of a child;
Conducted pension contributions to private pension funds;
Carried out insurance payments under contracts of life insurance;
Used the services of rehabilitation centres and prosthetic-orthopedic services;
Incurred costs to convert the car and its transition to gas or biofuels;
Incurred expenses for the construction (purchase) of affordable housing.
Almost all the students and their parents who pay for the education of children, are entitled to a tax rebate.
According to p. 14.1.170 article 14, the tax discount on training to individuals who are not business entity is the amount confirmed by the relevant documents about the expenses of the taxpayer that he suffered in the past reporting year for payment of training in secondary special and higher educational institutions.
This amount can obtain the student himself or his relatives the first line of kinship, which received a formal wage and is the tax payer.
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