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Assessment of tax risks

Assessment of tax risks

Tax risk is called probability of occurrence for the taxpayer adverse consequences as a result of making (or not making) any action. This is not just theoretical category, a full evaluation of tax risks always has a quantitative value: the probability level and the amount of money that will be lost. Evaluation and optimization of tax risks is an important management tool that allows a taxpayer to proactively predict their tax obligations, and consciously conduct tax planning.

The types of tax risks

Tax risks there are two fundamentally different types:

"Direct" risks – tax risks of the organization or individual associated with possible future application to it of sanctions for violation of tax legislation or additional tax and penalties. With these risks, willingly or unwillingly, facing any taxpayer: they include such risks as the risk of denial of tax deduction and tax refund, a ban on the use of tax incentives, the application-to-face tax penalties or even criminal prosecution for tax crimes.

"Reverse" risks are the risks of lack of effective tax optimization, when due to ignorance of their rights and opportunities or because of ineffective protection, the taxpayer has to pay excessive taxes. It is more the practical side of the question, which is, however, impossible to ignore. Of course, the state does not punish for excessive payment of the tax, but the effects reverse risk can be no less devastating than the direct effects: the lack of tax optimization depletes the business itself, leaving no funds for development, for payment to shareholders and investors, and often the very existence.

Tax optimization allows you to minimize these risks or eliminate altogether. Ultimately, analysis of tax risks and their minimization is tools further the benefits of Your situation, finding hidden reserves of the business and saving money.

Tool for the assessment of tax risks

Any taxpayer seeking to obtain greater benefits from the transactions with less taxation. There is nothing wrong – in many cases, significant tax optimization can be achieved within the law and with respect for his standards. However, in this case to answer the question: where is the line between acceptable tax planning and illegal tax evasion?

Only, in our opinion, a proper tool for assessing the validity of tax decisions and risk planning is a comprehensive legal analysis of the law and enforcement of decisions of courts of all instances, generalizations of court practice, interpretations of law enforcement authorities.

Relying on practice, we can reliably estimate how risky You do your tax planning or, alternatively, how many opportunities You're missing. We will be happy to help You to form a position and defend against risks, taking into account the latest trends and mechanisms of law.

Our services

We offer our clients a legal assessment of tax risks of the organization as a whole, and analysis of tax risks of individual operations. We also work with a specific category of risks, tax risks as individuals. For maximum efficiency, we evaluate the tax risks of the enterprise or entity, involving both lawyers and economists. All our specialists have high qualification and huge experience in tax law.

Tax risk assessment can be conducted for different purposes and by different methods, but it should always provide answers to the following questions:

  • is there any risk of dispute with tax authorities for the specific transaction, benefit or General activities? what is its probability?
  • if the risk exists, is it possible to defend profitable for the taxpayer's position in court? what is its probability?
  • what actions need to be taken to the identified risks was less? how these actions will reduce the likelihood of negative developments for the taxpayer?
  • what actions can be taken to optimize the tax effect of operations or activities? is it possible?
  • what are the possible economic benefits of tax optimization, real and planned tax burden?

In the result of the assessment of tax risks of the organization or individual of our specialists You can get a full analysis of the existing risks and possible ways of their minimization. This assessment will allow the taxpayer not only to be prepared for possible consequences, but also ensures the ability to convincingly defend its position before the tax authorities in any dispute.