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Tax planning

Tax planning

Reducing the tax burden of the holding as a whole and the individual enterprise, carried out by the application of certain tax instruments and mechanisms, such as special tax regimes and exemptions and other allowable in specific cases of legal and economic methods.

Tax optimization and protection of business remain the two most popular requests from business representatives. Tax saving can be achieved perfectly legal methods. The basis of optimization of the tax burden and minimization of tax costs, lies with the ongoing planning of tax costs. It's a mistake to mix such different concepts as tax planning, minimisation and of course optimization and tax evasion.

Note that the reduction in tax payments does not always lead to reduced costs and increased profits. At the same time, such a relationship is often not direct and indirect. Thus, the reduction of one tax or fee may lead to an increase in another, and in addition also to the use of regulatory bodies to financial sanctions.

Tax planning - reducing tax payments, the distribution of the tax burden. Determination of tax risks.

In the implementation of tax planning organization creates a certain pattern, according to which it plans to conduct financial and economic activity. The main task of the organization when it is to be used correctly and used to group tools of tax planning , with the aim of building a system to realize the objectives of tax planning in the best way. Scheme of tax planning is an optimal structure of business organization of the business entity generated based on the relevant requirements of the legislation as tax optimization according to goals.

In the implementation of tax planning must consider the probability of changes in the tax laws, which may be associated with the trends in the development of tax policy, the establishment of new forms and modes of taxation, adjustments in tax rates, withdrawal of tax benefits etc Assessment of this probability should be made on the basis of available information, taking into account existing trends in tax theory and policy.

Benefits of the service

  • Reducing the tax burden, reducing tax liabilities, the optimal choice of the tax regime of the enterprise or group of enterprises.
  • The identification of systemic and individual errors in business processes.
  • Opportunity to avoid negative consequences in the form of tax assessments.
  • A specific list of applicable corrective actions to minimize the risks, including follow-up.
  • Tax planning - reducing tax payments, the distribution of the tax burden. Determination of tax risks.
  • Optimization of tax payments, minimization of tax losses on a concrete tax or on set of taxes
  • The increase in the volume of circulating assets of the enterprise.
  • Additional opportunities to maximize profitability of financial and economic activities and to further effective development of production.


- Tax planning the tax burden of the whole enterprise

- Tax planning costs for a particular tax in General

- Tax planning of tax costs in the framework of the specific transaction (contract)

The contents

1. tax audit, verification of the applied tax schemes

2. builds a General model of taxation and tax costs

3. development or modification of the contractual base, internal organizational documents, internal control systems

4. developing or modifying accounting policies or its elements

5. troubleshoot system errors in tax accounting, the quality assurance tax documents

6. development of mechanisms that regulate the size of taxes

You get

1. applicable optimization of tax expenditures with a description and links to legislation, documents certain of the transaction (contracts, applications, etc.)

2. conclusion on tax controversy and unresolved legal issues

3. recommendations on the order of calculation and payment of taxes and fees

5. risk assessment when using the recommended optimization schemes

6. optimal use of all possibilities of tax optimization;

7. the determination of the legal effects of tax optimization,

8. definition of mechanisms for responding to change in the current legislation and the actions of the fiscal authorities;

9. determination of the degree of complexity in the management, application and implementation of tax optimization;

10. determination of the resistance to internal and external fiscal factors

11. reduction of possible negative consequences