Support of tax inspections
Most organizations and businesses is a cameral tax check at least once a quarter, a field tax audit – once a year.
Any tax audit is a common, but complex and risky undertaking for each organization. Unfortunately, statistics is such that to face additional tax any taxpayer, regardless of whether or not it is fair. Theoretically, the tax authority for internal reasons it is advantageous to find the arrears, or to deny the deduction even where the taxpayer is absolutely right.
A tax audit is painful for any business event, because no matter how honest and law-abiding was not the tax payer, current statistics show almost the same result of inspections is the additional accrual of taxes and duties, as well as the use of tax penalty.
In order to obtain additional assessments and fines, tax authorities use the Arsenal of security measures, including the seizure of the accounts, which, in turn, interfere with the normal conduct of the activities of the company.
As a rule, when conducting tax audits, companies must implement a set of measures, consisting of preparatory to the test operations, the direct support of verification and appeal of decisions taken by the Supervisory authority upon inspection. At the same time is essential to the full and complete preparation for inspection and a set of measures to be taken during its implementation. In this connection, it is true, the involvement of experts in the initial preparatory stage, anticipating and minimizing possible negative consequences.
Benefits of the service
1. Implementation support verification at any stage and in any action, because tax consultants have the status of lawyer;
2. Pre-briefing of employees by the tax adviser;
3. The lack of psychological pressure from the regulatory authorities;
4. Fixation allowed the tax authorities of procedural irregularities;
5. Competent and effective defence, as the case may be;
6. Knowledge of the techniques and tactics of actions of tax control;
7. The ability to quickly and correctly assess at a high professional level, the wide range of stressful situations.
The contents
1. advising on the procedure of tax audits;
2. instructing employees about action algorithms with the direct implementation of tax inspection;
3. the analysis put forward by the tax authorities of the requirements for the legality, lawfulness and validity;
4. prompt resolution of conflict situations in the implementation of the interaction with the tax authority;
5. analysis of the violations set forth in the tax audit and the preparation of objections on tax audit results;
6. judicial appeal of tax audit results;
7. judicial appeal of actions of tax authorities and presented the results of a tax audit.
You get
1. Tax audit;
2. The formation of the evidence base confirming the company's expenses, including atypical;
3. Instruction of persons subject to interrogation on tax issues;
4. The strategy of submission to a tax authority or failure of submission of certain documents;
5. The collection of evidence for the motivation of appealing to the higher body or the court;
6. Preparation of objections to the inspection;
7. Administrative and judicial appeal of decisions of Supervisory authority.
What is the support tax audits?
Support of Desk tax audit includes, as a rule, review of legality of actions of tax authorities (maintaining the depth of verification, deadlines, formal procedures), the representation of the interests of the taxpayer in carrying out tax control activities allowed under the Desk audit (inspection of premises, discovery of documents, examination, etc.), training and formation of the documents necessary to protect the interests of the taxpayer (objections to a tax audit, complaints and appeals on actions and decisions of tax authorities), the appeal of decisions by the court and reimbursement of taxes (VAT) through the courts.
When conducting a field tax audit help of our experts may be in the form of consultation on current actions of the tax authority, drafting key documents (objections to tax audit, appeals and statements in court), and in the form of personal presence of the tax lawyer in the office of Your company to effectively protect Your interests during a tax authority in control procedures.
We believe that to protect the interests of the taxpayer need qualified lawyers specializing in tax law and have experience of interaction with tax authorities. However, as practice shows, participation is needed from the first day when the test was announced, and the address of the company received the first requirements.
When maintenance is especially important?
Based on our experience, we recommend you to use the services of the escort of a tax audit for each taxpayer who considers that the results of tax inspection may be refused in tax deductions or tax credits, assessed additional taxes, penalties and interest, and that the tax authorities are violating his legal rights. Especially important this service can be in the following cases:
- when in respect of the taxpayer is declared on-site tax audit (on-site tax audit is a complex procedure, with very few exceptions, always associated with additional material amounts of taxes on our estate, she is always in need of the services of a qualified escort);
- when the taxpayer submits the Declaration significant to him tax deductions and/or taxes for reimbursement (in our experience, significant can be any amount in excess of 5-10% of current assets);
when the taxpayer has previously submitted to the tax authority notice of controlled foreign companies (CFC);
when the scan is excited based on the notification about controlled under the transfer pricing transactions or reports of such transactions to be filed with the district Inspectorate;
- when in the framework of the Desk audit, the tax authority requests a disproportionate lot of documents, inspection of premises or produces additional tax control measures, indicating that the cameral tax audit is not quite usually;
- when the taxpayer are imputed to the amount of tax payable, potentially enough to their failure to pay was grounds for criminal prosecution
The most safe to seek the help of professionals already in the planning stages of business transactions - pre-audit (tax due diligence) outside the state of tax control will help You proactively avoid the risks of additional assessments (see legal monitoring of tax risks).
Can You appeal the actions of tax authorities on their own?
Often the company simply has no need for qualified employees to support tax audits. Usually, the accountant of the firm does not own the necessary knowledge of the procedural intricacies of tax law and the corporate lawyer is not oriented freely in matters of calculation and tax calculation. Are You willing to risk? Additional on-site inspections of a medium-sized company tens of millions and is able to put the company on the brink of bankruptcy.
What are the advantages of support of tax inspections by our experts?
Our professionals have rich experience in dealing with tax authorities, including in the field of tax audit support. We know the procedures and scope of powers of tax authorities, substantive and procedural tax law. In addition, due to the fact that the terms for the provision of documents upon request of tax authorities rather short, we will provide training to all documents as quickly as possible and in compliance with all legal requirements. Qualified specialists will, conduct a tax audit with the least risk and material losses, and gives confidence in communicating with the tax authorities. Let us protect Your interests.
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