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Tax disputes in court

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Tax disputes in court

Modern Ukrainian law-enforcement practice develops in such a way that, despite the existing pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, just point in the resolution of many of them can be put only by the court.

You're probably wondering how it works?

Practice litigation remains quite loyal to the taxpayer, and in many cases it is possible not only to defend the wrongly assessed payments, but also to budget additional compensation. We do not claim that the trial can be quick or easy. As a rule, on the contrary, it is a long and painstaking process, requiring the selection of evidence, analysis of judicial precedents, prepare documents and conduct the case in court. However, the trial is the optimal and often the only way to achieve redress and the return of wrongly claimed in the budget.

Is it possible to ask the court about more than just restore right?

There are specific measures to protect and restore the rights of the taxpayer, which in practice are used by courts in particular:

  • the right not to pay the reclaimed tax to the budget before the end of the trial (and that means at least a delay in the payment of the tax, lasting about 6 months – year) is a lack of flow;
  • the right to demand from the budget additional compensation uncompensated time tax (i.e., eligible for additional cash) is income;
  • mitigation of penalties even if their calculation was reasonable;
  • refunded by the tax authority of costs for the services of a tax consultant, representing the interests in court, as well as fees and other court costs.

We offer our clients a full range of services related to tax disputes in court, in particular, the following services:

  • representation of the taxpayer's interests in all judicial instances;
  • court reimbursement of taxes, expenses and compensation;
  • evaluation of judicial prospects of future dispute.
  • Judicial appeal of decisions of tax in all instances
  • Appeal of test results
  • Challenging the actions of officials
  • Challenging normative and non-normative acts

In all cases of representation in court, we fully undertake the entire processing workflow.